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Installing Warcraf3 on Linux using an ISO file
Distro Slackware 15.0 multilib enabled
September 07, 2024

This will only show installation procedure on a distro with Winev8 on a 32-bit prefix but could be applied to any other newer or older version If needed. Also knowledge about how to use terminal commands and difference between root and normal user permission is required.

  • Mount your iso file through mount command:

  mount -o loop [path to iso file] [path to mounting point]

mount -o loop /storage/war3.iso /mnt/cdrom

  • Once mounted It would be available as a cd drive under wine file manager and proceed as an double click and run as on windows.


On this case the ISO mounted point was detected as Drive I:\ double click on autoplay.exe

  • If your ISO was created correctly you shouldn't encounter any reading error on the installation.

  • Since the same uses Securom the game won't run without a "gameFIX" in my case I searched for warcraft-3-reign-of-chaos-v121a-english-patch.exe and their correspondent fix in order to play.

  • Once applied you can run the game but the game cinematics won't play unless you search how to make blizzards video codec play in game.

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